Monday, September 28, 2009

Why reinvent the wheel? Just resell the old square.

I have been a lazy blogger. But in some respects, I have not... Eh...? eh...?

I have been blogging over at for the last few months. And thus, have entered a personal blogging slump on my own site. It's sad. I know. Why do burnt out at 31? I don't know.

Photo Credit HarmonyWishes, inc

So, hey! Why not check out what I've been writing over at HarmonyWishes?

Here's their blog site. And here's one of the latest two blogs I just posted recently. If you're so inclined, wander around on the HW's site. They've got some amazing images to share. And as a further scoop: another blog will go up on Thursday. So check back!

Photo Credit HarmonyWishes, inc

I haven't forgotten you, lovely reader. I have just run out of steam over the last couple months. It might be because I was battling the flu (not the pig-inclined variety--but just as brutal) More to come! I promise.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Megan, it's Victoria. I know it's been a million months, but I was trying to find you and voila, I found your blog. Would love to get in contact with you! I have the same UCLA e-mail. Let's talk, lady.
big hug,